Thursday, October 29, 2009

I detest the treadmill!

It was below freezing here yesterday so I had to break down and do my run on the treadmill in the basement and I must say, I had the HARDEST time convincing myself to stay on the stupid thing! I could barely get 3 1/2 miles on it before I just said to hell with it and got off!

Which brings me to my inner conflict... how am I going to stay in training mode for the marathon in December if said training has to include treadmill runs? Ugh!! I think I'd rather run in below freezing weather than get on that blasted machine again!!

That's all... I just needed to vent and figured this would be the place for it.

1 comment:

  1. I feel the same way about the treadmill. It's so much easier to run when the scenery changes and you have a destination in mind!

    Get yourself a pair of glove and a headband that covers your ears and be careful to avoid icy roads. Once you get going, you know you won't be cold.

    Don't worry, you had a freak storm that will pass very soon. You'll be back outside running in no time!!

    Love you!!


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